Arlington Heights Double Tree 75 W. Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL, United Statesthis is a test. do not use
K. Samuel Educations in Hair PLLC
this is a test. do not use
STATE MANDATED Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault education is required for renewals. Please be aware of the new requirement SEXUAL HARASSMENT PREVENTION continuing education is a separate class. You will need both the DV/SA and the sexual harassment CE hours for your renewal. This class will be held as a LIVE Zoom meeting via the …
Earn 4CE hours with this fun Holiday Hair Trends virtual class! You may use this information to join the Zoom virtual class on 12/20/2020 starting at 9:45am, but you must have a ticket to be admitted into the class, so make sure you pre-register right away! Join Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/93424145891?pwd=OE5kNS9sVk9vdEc4Y3RZYTlBdE9IZz09 Meeting ID: 934 2414 …
Earn 1CE hour featuring updos for 2021 hair trends that will help you do beautiful updos more efficiently! Consider having manikin head or maybe you have a live model who would be willing for you to practice on during the class! ZOOM INFORMATION: 1 CE Hour Updo Class| 10am-11am: Meeting ID: 946 1143 6224 Passcode: …
Earn up to 7CE hours with these interesting classes covering 2021 trends for cut, color, styling and updo. ZOOM INFORMATION: 4 CE Hour Session | 9am-1pm: Meeting ID: 992 1018 5468 Passcode: 982604 Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/99210185468?pwd=WnhrT1AzVzZvbVZDNFpoUE1JY1dudz09 3 CE Hour Session | 2pm-5pm: Meeting ID: 940 3116 8070 Passcode: 388752 Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/94031168070?pwd=UU1hNlhzY1JrRk10b1FtMHU1MlQ0Zz09 ********************************************************** …
Earn up to 7CE hours with these interesting classes covering 2021 trends for cut, color, styling and updo. ZOOM INFORMATION: 4 CE Hour Session | 9am-1pm: Meeting ID: 951 5552 2670 Passcode: 004573 Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/95155522670?pwd=MUdkTStybUpMRmJKTkhINHo3amc1UT09 3 CE Hour Session | 2pm-5pm: Meeting ID: 945 9372 7003 Passcode: 999187 Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/94593727003?pwd=SmR4OWRTNVN4NjhEOS9uSWp5K1A2dz09 ********************************************************** …
Earn up to 7CE hours with these interesting classes covering 2021 trends for cut, color, styling and updo. ZOOM INFORMATION: 4 CE Hour Session - Balayage Techniques| 9am-1pm: Meeting ID: 928 6916 2086 Passcode: 028039 Direct Link: https://zoom.us/j/92869162086?pwd=bGhmbnlhZmdzTk05KzYwUDlKZGhnZz09 3 CE Hour Session - Cut, Color, Updo & Styling | 2pm-5pm: Meeting ID: 961 4197 …
NEW REQUIREMENT FOR RENEWALS (starting 2020): SECTION 1130.400 1 CE of sexual harassment prevention training in NOW REQUIRED for 2020 renewals (and going forward). This is in addition to the Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault class requirement starting for 2019 renewals. This class will be held as a LIVE Zoom meeting via the meeting information …
*** REGISTRATION CLOSED FOR THIS CLASS AS OF JUNE 12, 2021 @ 7:00PM. *** Earn up to 7 CE hours with these interesting classes covering 2021 trends! 9AM-1PM: We will be focusing on the many different and popular techniques of Balayage 2PM-5PM: We will be focusing on updos - how to do them efficiently …
*** REGISTRATION FOR THIS CLASS IS CLOSED AS OF SUNDAY, JUNE 20 @ 1:00PM *** NEW REQUIREMENT FOR RENEWALS (starting 2020): SECTION 1130.400 1 CE of sexual harassment prevention training in NOW REQUIRED for 2020 renewals (and going forward). This is in addition to AND DIFFERENT than the Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault class …